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Law Office of Shelly F. Wood, P.C.

1.0 - 1 review
Lawyers | Norfolk, VA
Sandra Rigdon Lewis
9 months agoLaw Office of Shelly F. Wood, P.C. Add a photo Law Office of Shelly F. Wood, P.C. 3.0 (6) Divorce lawyer in Norfolk, Virginia OVERVIEW REVIEWS PHOTOS ABOUT Google review summary 5 4 3 2 1 3.0 (6) Reviews Sort by Most relevant Newest Highest Lowest Sandra Lewis 2 reviews When it became necessary for my daughter to hire an attorney, to keep my grandson SAFE from his father, I ask my sister if I should contact Shelly Wood? My first cousin is her uncle, by marriage! … More Andrew Ball 5 reviews 8 months ago Shelly Wood is the best lawyer in the 7 cities. If you need an outstanding divorce lawyer that has the Intelligence and fortitude to make your transition easy and fair…look no further. I would dare to say all the negative reviews on here … More Law Office of Shelly F. Wood, P.C. (Owner) 8 months ago Thank you so much! Having great clients willing to listen makes my job easier. Brett Vambell 3 reviews a year ago I hired Shelly to help me with child custody and divorce a couple years ago. Let me tell you, that was a life changing decision. The last two years have been pretty bad to say the least. She helped me get my life back. Divorce is … More Sarah Graupmann 2 reviews 10 months ago Shelly is a great divorce lawyer. She is straight and to the point. Won't waste time and your money. Gets the job done. Monisha Gill 2 reviews a year ago Performed as a substitute judge and was the absolute worst!!!! Arrogant, rude, unprofessional!!!! The legal profession is plagued with these types. 2 Kimberly Johnson Local Guide·90 reviews·1 photo 10 months ago Some one took my experience off this site, well.. I'm putting it back. I wouldn't recommend 1 Tonya Kendrick 13 reviews·1 photo a year ago Sandra Lewis 2 reviews When it became necessary for my daughter to hire an attorney, to keep my grandson SAFE from his father, I ask my sister if I should contact Shelly Wood? My first cousin is her uncle, by marriage! My sister stated that we need to keep these matters " out of the family circle! " I then understood her sentiment and agreed to contact someone else! We contacted Eric Plumlee, an amazing attorney! This case is complicated because my daughter and grandson had lived in Pennsylvania with her husband prior to understanding that we needed to protect my grandson from his father! My daughter had a hysterectomy in January and never physically recovered, she went to the ER in Pennsylvania and to her OBGYN numerous times but medical professionals insisted she was fine! While dealing with this matter of custody and a protective order in Chesapeake from April to May in a 6 week time, my daughter had become sicker and weaker, unable to concentrate! On May 1, she was rushed by ambulance to Chesapeake Regional Hospital, for emergency surgery! The Vaginal Cuff Seal has failed completely, and her intestines were literally coming outside of her body! Thursday May 16, 2024, you can imagine the shock when we walk into JDR Court, and Shelly Wood was representing my son in-law against my daughter! The term *CONFLICTED OUT* is just the tip of the iceberg! She immediately becomes NASTY, stating that my daughter had had an opportunity to handle custody issues and legal documents sent to her from her husband's Pennsylvania Attorney! Shelly Wood was nasty and unprofessional, and holding a stack of text messages, she acted as though she was reading, and she stated that I told my son in-law, " this is how it's going to be" You're going to renovate my house, buy my daughter a condo or I'll report your sexual abuse, and you will go to jail! " THIS IS A COMPLETE LIE! I have printed out the text messages for the judge and the messages between me and Shelly Wood when she was running for Commonwealth Attorney! When Shelly was running for Commonwealth Attorney, I offered her info regarding an allegation that was in the community, regarding her lying to a Norfolk Judge when she was a Guardian of Litem! She immediately sent me the paperwork from the Bar, that technically she did nothing wrong! I told her that it was out there and people may ask! Then I had posted a comment on my Facebook page, regarding a community figure that attempts to control politics in the city! Shelly loved it and thought it was funny! Later I removed it and she ask me why I removed it! I told her that I knew the person had seen it and that they got the message! She then ask me who told me and started guessing, she threw out two names that were totally incorrect! She also gave me advice on a case I was dealing with, as a Private Investigator! She told me that she would deliver me a few campaign signs, when she delivered my sister, her campaign sign! Now let me be crystal clear, Shelly Wood is not related by blood to my family but through marriage! Her blood Aunt is married to my cousin, making him her uncle! She is friends with my oldest sister and her husband, that are like my second parents! She is friends with my two nieces and her son went to school with my niece's children! There are Facebook post each week that you see my sister ♥️ Shelly Wood post, and Shelly commenting on my sister, nieces and other on my other family members post She KNEW who I was before she walked into the court room! She is close to my mother's sisters, my Aunt, since my cousin Kenny's Mother, is my Aunt and Kenny is married to her blood aunt
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