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Kustoff & Phipps LLP

1.0 - 1 review
Lawyers | San Antonio, TX
Hilary Corkern
2 years agoMy husband and I met with Mr Kustoff at our home about 2 months ago. He confirmed that we had a case after looking at the damage to our house. We sent in the requested documentation in an email to his firm about 2-3 weeks after we met with him & decided he would be a good fit for our situation. I have called the office 9 times, called his cell & I’ve sent a text. I’ve also called the office requesting to speak with another lawyer at the firm. I kept being told they will give him a message or that he’ll call me back. He never did. If he didn’t want to take our case all he had to do was say so. If he’s this bad about communication before he even takes the case how bad would it be once he’s actually hired? I just don’t think anyone that’s going through something similar to what we are should have to deal with a lawyer that won’t communicate. I do not recommend this firm.
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P.O. Box 89906
Sioux Falls, SD 57109
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